Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Millennials Part 2

So bad parenting and the inability to cope with stress, now you throw in impatience. You have grown up in a world of instant gratification, you need to buy something order it online it arrives the next day. Want to watch a movie you don’t even need to go out just go online. You want to watch a tv show just binge. You don’t even have to wait week to week, I know people who skip season just, so they can binge at the end of the season. You want to go on a date sure go ahead, you don’t even have learn to deal with the situation anymore or feel awkward and weird. You don’t have to be uncomfortable if what they say if it means no or yes, all you have to do is swipe right BOOM you’re a stud. You no longer need to learn the coping mechanisms of dating anymore. Anything you want you can have instantaneously, instant gratification. Except job satisfaction and strength of relationships, sorry there isn’t an app for that. We need to learn patience, that something that really matter like love or job fulfillment, joy, self-confidence and skills sets all of these things take time and patience. The journey is long, but it is worth it, we are at the bottom of the mountain and the point is this abstract concept of happiness that we all try to reach, and they start going towards it, but they forget there is a mountain. I don’t care if you go fast or slow there is still a mountain. The worst-case scenario of all this, and we are already seeing it. The highest rates of suicides and accidental drug overdose in adolescents and young adults. More children leaving school due to depression and cyber bullying. The best-case scenario is a lot of you will go through life never truly find and type of satisfaction, fulfillment or for a lack of a better word happiness. They ask you how your job is, and you reply, “it’s fine”. How’s your relationship? “oh, its fine same as my job same as yesterday ha-ha”. That’s the best-case scenario. Which leads into the final point environment, we have truly a magnificent generation who were truly dealt a bad hand and throwing them into corporate environments who care more about the numbers rather than the individual. They care about the short-term gain of the corporation more than the long-term life of this young human being. We care more about the year than the life time. This environment isn’t helping them learn the skill set they aren’t helping them cope with this newly becoming digital world. They aren’t taught the joy of earning something that can’t be attained in a month not even in a year. The worst part is that YOU think it YOUR fault. The fault is on the total lack of good leadership in the society and world today. And this makes it all worse and I here to tell you it’s not but I am almost here to tell you that I won’t hold your hand in life and most people won’t, so you can learn and educate your to the reality you are truly living in if you wish to live not just survive. 

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