Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Laramie Project (Adaptation)

The experience of watching the film as opposed to reading the text was very much different and quite impactful for me. The actors showed the true emotion, they felt and expressed true emotion. You can try and read it with emotion all you want but when you see and hear pain, sorrow, anger and fear in someone's voice and on someone's face, it put in a different perspective the actually feelings and processes involved in the situations these real life people were in at the time. To see the eyes redden and the tears stream down as the lip starts to quiver and the hand comes up to try and suppress the overwhelming sadness and emotion building in a person's voice as it starts to get too shaky and choked up is way more impactful then you, a person from the outside, reading it in text...

1 comment:

  1. i tried comparing the movie to the book but i couldn't because i was engulfed by the story and emotion. i could find that in the book i found myself straying away from time to time but like i said in class the emotion poured from the screen and it was great to watch.


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