Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Social issue

   There's many things in today society that I feel I've turned a blind eye to, from the immigration deportation, to the many killings of unarmored black men and women. Or being black in the 21st century. Being of mix decent it leaves me feeling stuck between two worlds that are consistently being perpetrated. I've become socially emotionless to the hate that pours out of people souls.
     It's not that I turned cold and uninterested in what is very present in today world it's the consistent fight to be better then the next when in your mind your an equal. It's being characterized as something exotic looking like I'm animal instead of a women. Having grown up with family members that came to America to have a chance of life and seeing them achieve the American dream is beautiful but then to see the people that are struggling to get here to take hold of that same desire and having it whisk away is, WRONG. 
    In 2 years we have gone back decades the progression that was made feels like its at a standing halt. There's more violence and more protesting for causes that WE shouldn't be protesting about in 2018. Its the ignorance of people that hurts the most. Educating an ignorant person hurts, reasoning with a person who lacks empathy and culture hurts. Being afraid to be me is scary, always having to prove myself capable and well off hurts. 
     Walking around with imaginary labels because society labels me as something my parents told me I wasn't hurts. Praying that my brother makes it home to his wife and child knowing he's cop hurts. Knowing my little brother is away at school experiencing life for the first time is nerve pinching. Trying to live out the American dreams that my grandparents fought for us to have hurts. But seeing privilege being used to dishonor the nation and strip people away to nothing hurts. 

    Life isn't suppose to hurt or impact us in such a profound negatively way 


  1. I would hope that going through these hardships has made you a stronger person rather than to take away from you. I agree that it is 2018 and that we shouldnt have to fight for racial equality or gender equality. As women its tough just living in our skin and we can protest for the things we want and i think its really cool but i wonder if our voices are being heard?

  2. I can understand your perspective on social issues. It is something that I have turned a blind eye to, because of my personal experience and from that one experience, it kept building up so I feel like I hit the off button, it would be better for me. But it is not. It still gets under my skin and the pain that kills the most is not being able to do anything about it.
    It's like every day there's a new war out there and it's exhausting to live in a society of such, not knowing when it will end or whether it will get better or not. We live with fear everyday for ourselves and the people we care about.


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