Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Social Issue: American Reality

You go to high school then college, leave with debt then get a job that pays $20-$30 an hour and you try to pay it off but only scratch the surface which is interest. then love comes into play and you spend money you dont have but you swipe the card anyway. in order to mobilize yourself you need a car but due to your debt you have horrible credit and when you go to take out a car you have to pay a ridiculously high rate just to be able to drive it. but someway some how you make it by end of the month. isn't life such a beautiful thing, especially when you bring one into this world but little do you know the financial severity you are about embark on, as if you didn't have difficulty as it is. after this child is brought into this world your spouse insists on have a home to call her own and you both struggle to save money in order to be able to put a down payment of a house but since you are still in debt without very little money it looks grim. but since America is the land of opportunity you can take out a mortgage of a house since no money after the initial down payment, meaning you think the house is yours but its not because 70% of Americans dont OWN house because they dont have the deed to the house the bank does. so after hearing this little financial lesson i am sure you can the problem here. unfortunately nether you or anyone else seems to care and frankly neither do i. you will eventually follow this blueprint step by step or kind of unintentionally or intentionally i dont care if you disagree the studies have been done and the facts set in stone. this only applies to the average person such as yourself and i and there is virtually nothing you can do about but we will instill this way of living to our children and them to their children such as our parents did to us. this reality isnt as wonderful as people make it out to be because in the end everybody dies but not everybody lives or another one i like is that in this forsaken destiny of ours you are only surviving not living.  


  1. I was really glad you wrote and posted this bc. it's something we all need to address, particularly as students- we're encouraged to explore critical thinking anyway. Before my first semester, I was stubbornly against the idea of involving myself with academia, let alone employment or marriage. I didn't want to feel like I was 'giving in' to our hyper-productive, systemized culture, not that I wasn't as is. We don't need any of it to survive, we're just programmed into believing we do. Nevertheless- one day the thought of becoming a social worker breezed into my mind. It would give me the most access to helping the people I would like to the most. I was 28, so of course I clung to the idea and put aside my values that have to do with self-determinism etc. Now the two 'sides' kind of balance each other out.

    My energy led me to school, therefore there is something intrinsic for my growth that I can learn from here. Furthermore, it's opened the doors to my job (one that I truly love) and I'm even open to the idea of marrying and having kids. Not because I'm a slave to our programming (per se ;) ), it's just where my intent is leading me, so so be it for now.

    I definotely do not priorotize school in the way I did my first semester though- and I'm not willing to overachieve anymore, either. Self care and healing comes first and I'm fine with the sacrifices necessary so that I can commit to it. Trying to move in our world we've made up- one that does not allow us much movement, has been incredibly challenging for me, and has left me feeling ostracized before. But if I want to understand all the aspects of myself, or at least acknowledge them, I'm willing to explore them. And yes, everyone dies, but it's not black-and-white- life is not about misery unless that's all you're seeing. We have a choice to find a role in what we're handed, and to grow from it- no matter what it is. There is fulfillment in anything which is approached with an open mind and an open heart no matter how small or out of line with the truth it's still an aspect or reality and nature.

    1. many typos and there's room for editing. try to overlook all that :)

  2. This was so honest and relative. Amazing job at summing up the harsh realities of young adulthood.


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