Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Social Issue

Abortions.. Why is that even an option? We live in a world where there are so many preventives that could be taken to avoid pregnancy. You have birth control ( oral contraceptives), condoms or the safest way to avoid pregnancy which is not having sex at all (Celibacy). Having sex you have to be ready to deal with the repercussions just like anything else you do. Abortions are very cruel to a women's physical and mental capacity. Most Women decisions today regarding, keep the fetus or not are influenced by outside factors. These factors can range from being young in age, not being financially stable, or not knowing the father of the child, the father of the child not "ready" to be a father, or the mother just not wanting to keep the fetus. Yes, everyone is entitled to make their own decisions but parents who decide to get abortions are stealing this unborn fetus rights. Some may say that a fetus doesn't have the same human rights as a Person, but I disagree with this view. Imagine if your parents decided to abort you, you wouldn't be able to experience what is "life". I feel many women make the decision of getting abortions out of panic they're not in a right state of mind. Once you become pregnant there are also other options you could do if you decide not to keep the child, like putting the child up for adoption. There are many who take getting pregnant for granted, there's couples and women who will never have the chance of getting pregnant or knowing what it feels like to be pregnant so for women "who don't want their baby" to go and make this selfish decision and getting a abortion is outrageous. You should think about the other women who will never get to experience what you're taking for granted.


  1. I like how you look at both sides that there are women who get pregnant and cannot carry out their pregnancy for whatever reason and then there are women who are very unfortunate to not being able to conceive at all. I know there is religious believe that abortion can be sinful as well.

    However, I do feel there are women out there that are not taken into consideration. Like those who are being raped and must live with that memory for the rest of their life, if they get pregnant by their rapist. This may even lead to discrimination by the society they live in, not only for her but also her child. Or to watch a mother who knows her baby will never be healthy and the only option she has is to watch her baby suffer for the rest of her life. Who can live with such pain for the rest of their live?

    Also, we need parental consent for anything we do until the age of 18. It is not like a fetus can choose their fate, although that can be unfortunate. Yes, there may be some women who take abortion for granted but what about other women who deserve a second chance at life. How can they be able to raise a child not being financially unstable, live in an unhealthy relationship or environment? Will that be safe for their baby, unborn/born? That is putting both themselves and their child through hardship, struggles and a lot more.

    Abortion can be a good, bad and ugly, but it is something to be considerate about.

  2. These are both really interesting comments. I'd just like to say, too, that we can trace the drop in crime in the US and it's been significant since Roe V. Wade was decided. I don't want to overstate a very complex issue, but it's not debatable that children who are unwanted grow up w/ several strikes against them. They're more likely to be criminals, they're more likely to have a poor education, they're more likely to be poor, period. It's striking to me that so many politicians who are anti-choice are the same politicians who will be the first to cut social programs--after school initiatives, welfare, food stamps, Pell Grants, etc.--the kind of things that are necessary if you're going to make poor women carry their pregnancies to term. And it is poor women. The rich always have options whether abortion is legal or not.


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