Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Drabble 1

"How is it that all your ideas are terrible?" he asks me. I give the question a moment of thought.
"It's a gift, I suppose." I continue to wrap the explosive in double sided tape. He groans in annoyance.
"In what possible way could that be a gift?"
"Well imagine if you knew someone who occasionally has great ideas, but when you need one the most; they can't think of one. I'm consistent in my quality." this one's done. I grab another one.
"You realize people don't want terrible ideas, right?" Despite his insults, he grabs one and starts to wrap tape around it. I shrug. The mercenaries after us are getting closer, they're giving orders to each other to search the insides of vehicles throughout this parking garage. From the sound of it, they're two floors below us.
"Look, you have a better idea?" I ask my friend. He stares at it, frustrated that I stumped him. he grunts as he wraps the last one.
"If we die, I'm blaming you," he says.
"Something tells me I wouldn't mind."

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