Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Video game brain

I truly hate my brain, sometimes.
I had a dream the other night,
I was a playing a video game.
It was nothing special, like space invaders.
I tried to shoot the enemies, and tried to shoot me.
I had a health bar that would go down if they hit me.
I wasn't good at the game, they landed many missiles on my ship.
I would feel horrible throbbing pain with each detonation.
I woke up, the pain too great.
I opened my eyes, but the visuals of the made up game continued in my head.
I couldn't move my body, but still felt the pain of the explosions my ship endured.
I laid there motionless and powerless to stop the onslaught.
I endured this for what felt like an eternity.
I truly hate my brain, sometimes. 


  1. As someone that loves playing and watching walkthroughs of video games, I found your work to be both beautiful and relatable. I would always get that same feeling of pain when I saw that I lost one life and that I'm drawing closer to death ever faster than to victory. That moment where you want to move unto the next level but the frustration knowing that you're about to die when YOU'RE. JUST. SO. CLOSE. It's painful, but I guess that would mean we're alive, and we're enjoying it. XD

    Pretty damn nostalgic, the old times. Amazing work with such a small group of words. It really is amazing.

  2. hard to interrupt this in a positive way but i can sort of relate because i to enjoy games quite a lot and perhaps to the point where my head hurts from playing them but i do so anyways. i do know of people that play way beyond the point in which they should stop but they can't and end up the protagonist of this piece so I guess you could say i feel for the writer.


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