Saturday, September 29, 2018


Woman, Willem de Kooning (American (born The Netherlands), Rotterdam 1904–1997 East Hampton, New York), Oil and charcoal on canvas
You're expected to be
Like a pretty pink rose
Untouched and perfect   
But people forget that
Those stems have thorns
That the roots house worms.

From a young age, you're told
To walk a certain way,
to talk a certain way,
to sit a certain way,

Basically to be “perfect”

But do they know what perfection is?
Do they understand that the little hop skip walk you have is perfect
That the way you speak is perfect

Well understand that without you life would cease to exist
you are the one that holds the incredible gift of creation
As you are incredible

One day I hope you see that
Because there is someone out there
Who loves to see all that
But you have to be the one
To understand what you are.

This is a poem I wrote being inspired by the image and I guess the social climate towards women at this point in time.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you not only compare to your the look of the rose but the stems and it roots. As women we are given high expectations and to be a certain way, and we don't act that way we are criticized. I like how you asked what is perfection.


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