Saturday, September 29, 2018

A Poem for my daughter

Unconditional By Amanda Acosta

Oh daughter of mine, my love for you is unconditional

I have felt you inside my body for ten months
I have heard what your heart sounds like next to mine
I have pushed you out of my womb with all the strength I posses
I have feed your growing body with my body
I have created and seen your beautiful face everyday
I have taken care of you

I live ensure that smile stays on your face
I live  to see your happiness
I live to teach you all the important things about life
I live to protect you from the horrors of the world
I live to receive your hugs and kisses
I live to be the best mother you deserve

I love your grey eyes as they look into mine
I love the brown long hair that touches my face as you hug me
I love the delicate voice that responses back to me
I love that little attitude you have; yes you are definitely mine
I love that you are so kind and show me so much love in return
I love you with all I have in me

I would do anything in my power to keep you healthy
I would give you my last breath to ensure your survival
I would work for the rest of my life to provide the life you deserve
I would let you keep the shirt off my back if you grew old
I would walk through fire and ice for you

I will always show you attention
I will always support you and watch your back
I will do all the thing you ask of me
I will make sure you know your worth
I will never get tired of your presence
I will gladly share my life with you
I will try to live as long as I can for you
I will continue taking care of you until the day I die.

1 comment:

  1. this poem reminds me of a story my father told me. when he had his first child, even though he didnt want one he told me that this overwhelming feeling of pressure came over him. when he was hungry he would think what if my child is hungrier and so on and so forth. he wanted me to survive and live a prosperous life. even though he didnt want children he wanted me to live my best life even at the cost of his own. this poem really resonates with me, brings back some very nostalgic and beautiful memories.


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