Sunday, December 9, 2018


This is a poem I have been working on for the past 2 weeks it's not finished yet but I would appreciate the feedback


Cradled in warmth
Smothered with love
Cared for every second

Not knowing who I am
What are my thoughts
Which are there’s
What are my ethics

What do I believe
Do I dare stray
Do I have a choice
Every choice already made

To seperate
To be my own being
How do I do anything
Without their guidance

I am inexperienced
I need to know
I cannot stay a infant

I must grow
I must learn
To walk to eat
To then cook

To take care of myself
So when I leave
I am strong
Not weak

To be man
To do my own thing
To go my own path
Not to swayed

Left or right
For I am not a child
At least not anymore

I make my own decisions
To be or not to be
That's my choice

No one else’s

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