Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Before the film

While reading this screenplay I am surprised it had been turned into a movie. I believe a lot of scenes from Victors and Thomas had to added to the film to lengthen it. Also I think maybe it had given more information on why his father was in Phoenix, AZ by himself. I know Thomas mentioned to Victor at the check cashing he had seen his mother crying that day about his father passing away. If his mother cared for his father why wouldn't they live together. A little part of me wishes we see a dead corpse in the film, they way they described his body being found a week later must have meant it was unrecognizable. Also I can't believe Victor wouldn't want to be friends with Thomas after he spent money to help him get his fathers things. That is the one part of the screen play I didn't agree with. I hope in the film they become friends again later down the line.


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