Wednesday, November 28, 2018

So here I am, Standing in the rain...

So here I am, standing in the rain. The water pours down on my hair, making it stick and frizz. My jacket doesn’t keep me warm or protected. I walk on the sidewalk, trying not to bump into anybody. Using my black jacket and hood as I try to blend in. Trying my hardest not to get noticed. I hate attention and I try any way possible to stay away. It feels like the rain is pouring harder and harder. I can barely see my sneakers as I walk. I didn’t think that it would be this bad. I left around two. At that time, the sun was still out and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. The town wasn’t busy so I thought it was a chance to get some air away from my overbearing…parents. I guess I can call them that. I looked at my watch… it's midnight. I don’t know if I should go home or continue my strange journey. I haven’t stopped walking since I left. I can’t even feel my feet and my fingers. Everything is numb. I feel numb.
Or do I? I head out the door and go down the street to my friend, Phil’s house. I knock.
        Phil answers the door. “Yeah?”
        “What are you doing, Phil?”
“I’m picking my nose, dororthy.”
“My name ain’t Dorothy. My Name’s TOTO.”
“Like Toto from the Wizard of Oz?”
“Naw man, that dogs been dead since 1954. That was the year I was born!”
“Do you mean to tell me that if Toto died in 1954 than the ruby red slippers are like sixty to seventy something years old?
“Phil, you’re going on a tangent. But like, just to be nice I’ll answer your question. When you’re seventy years old, you’ll understand answering questions nicely.”
Phil we all know in the end we’re all going to die anyway so why the fuck does it matter. Like seriously why are you asking dumb fucking questions like that? Then he just dies. Like falls and ragdolls like some sort of GTA game. Then I pick up my keyblade as the heartless surround me. I hear Xehanorts voice as he goes on about darkness and blah blah blah. Then I shove my keyblade up his ass and then bang. Kingdom Hearts 3 done. Then I sit on my couch as the frog and I watch reruns of Avatar the Last Airbender. This is the episode where he is trying to help out his friend and this friend looks at him and says im so pathetic why would you want to sacrifice everything for me? Maybe he sacrifices because he loves to or he wants to be a good friend, I really don’t know does it matter he betrayed me this was not ok I am very mad. I knew I should’ve murdered him. What I thought was my best friend was actually my sister. And my sister was actually my ancestor. Strange, I nearly killed myself as I nearly strangled her. When your raged with fury you don’t think sometimes. Well I’m only human I guess and anger is a healthy outlet for me to express how I feel. But then again, anger only makes it worse. I cannot take back what I have done.
Regret fills my soul; I am better than this. I always said I would never do anything like this, so what changed? What made me sin? What made me think it was okay to shout TREWAYY in church. What made the rest of the youth in the holy place respond, YERRRRR. Will I be forgiven. The world may never know.
I mean that worse than cursing or your mom pinching you because you talking to your siblings. Or that giant monster that came by last week and ate 69 people. That was also pretty bad. Yep, way worse. That’s why I want to be a monster hunter.

The best killing machine on the planet. With my make up on fleek and all my guns in my Mercedes.

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