Thursday, November 29, 2018

Exquisite Corpse Exercise

So here I am standing in the rain. Fat rain drops are falling on me and around me. I definitely did not wear the appropriate attire for this thunder storm.  My shoes are soaked I can feel and hear the quacking sound of my shoes. The pants I am wearing are no longer the shade of grey I had decided to wear today, it’s the same shade of dark grey as the sky above me. If only I had known what shitty of a day I was going to have, I wouldn’t have left the house. The series of unfortunate events following my morning routine. Honestly, I should have just called out and stayed in my comfy bed. Here I am on my way to work running extremely late all soaking wet. How am I supposed work with these clothes on? I am going to have to suck it up, I have worked in more uncomfortable circumstances. (Below are my classmates responses)
Besides, I know I can overcome anything, this is just another obstacle that will make me stronger, or so I want to believe. It’s said that everything happens for a reason but that reason sometimes is more hurtful than the everything. That makes me question whether overcoming anything is even possible. 
I don’t know how people do it sometimes. It’s hard to move forward and continue on. But the world keeps spinning, the sun still rises, so must I. To all my displeasure, I must get up and move along. I’ll drag my feet, complain and mon; but I’ll move. By God I’ll keep moving, that is a promise. No, you know what? It’s a threat. I’ll keep on keeping on and there’s not a DAMN THING YOU OR ANYONE ELSE CAN DO ABOUT IT! IF YOU WANT
To go your own way, then be my guest. No one is stopping you. I cannot make decisions for you. You are not a child. HELL, your older than me. So suck it up and leave me alone. 
            Baby, I’ll leave you alone. I’ll leave you all the way alone. I’m walking out that door. And, no, that doorknob will not hit me on the ass or any other aspect of my anatomy.
            Well, do it, stop talking about it. Get the hell out of my face because it’s got a beehive on it and I’m so totally petrified of bees. I don’t know how to fight back when they come at me because I understand, in my heart of hearts, that the reason why they’re comin’ at me is because I’m threatenin’ them bees somehow. The doorknob is covered in some kind of grease, and I can’t open it, and I don’t want to anyway because that is totally gross. I’m psyching myself out.
Nicholas Cage should play god if Hollywood ever wanted to  remake Bruce almighty 2. Cause god  can take on any form. Except if that happens itll be god trying to steal the declaration of indepenece.  I mean who wants to be bossed around by four white guys who live in the earlith century to tell us what to do . no one does. Unless they love to have people with too much power, At least majority of the people don’t like it. That’s why I am happy to live in this century not everything is perfect but WE CAN MAKE THE MOST OF IT. However there are some losers that doesn’t appreciate our dear Christian leader Mike pence. Crucify them! All hail satan. But as I shake my head to rid myself of that idea i think maybe I shoudnt. This is wrong and I mean very wrong. I need to stick to mty beliefs the ways of my parents and my grandparents to change now would hurt them. But living this way is hurting me!  The pain is so much I can no longer take it. I had to get rid of it. Let it all wash away. I couldn’t carry it no more. It’s a weight that I can’t bare.

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