Wednesday, November 28, 2018

So here i am standing in the rain....Group assignment

So here I am, standing in the rain looking at your dumb face through the window Paine. I admire how you glow as you casually sip on your wine. I look at your hands caressing hers and all I can think about is running my car through this glass and watching your blood pour. You rubbed on my hands once and you smiled when I spoke but now everything has changed and all I can think about is how stupid I am looking at your dumb face as I standing in the fucking, RAIN! But I can’t snap just yet they way you took me for granted isn’t going to have you sip on that chill glass of wine like everything is fine. NOPE I’m coming for you like a Lion who’s found its prey. I can hear the little voice in my head telling me to relax he’s not worth it. But as I still stand here and see them looking so happy, and her growing belly still growing all I can think about are the kicks down the stairs that made me loose. My belly, my moment, my smile, my joy, but now I found my voice and it’s in anger but it’s still my voice and I’ll end this story how I see. The voice in my head is strong but my voice is stronger. I stand here and the tears mix with the rain, I didn’t even notice I was clenching my hand so tight I see little streaks of blood on my hand. But the blood fuels me it empowers me to

That fuel only made me stronger. It set my mind right, pointing me in the right 

I know I will become better than anyone else expects from me. I will raise up from the ashes like a phoenix. I am born to be someone in this world, I will change this world. I will look back on today, and see how far I have come and be proud of all obstacles I faced to get to where I am today. I will talk about my story. People will hear my voice. Maybe some will learn from my experiences, maybe some won’t. But, I’ll be able to look back with utter certainty that I tried to help others, teach others, make my mistakes lessons for all. People will always have their opinions about my experiences, about my life, but I’ve grown enough to understand that my opinion is the only one that should matter. I will not be a victim of my past, I’ll be the hero of my future.
I will save myself, I don’t need anyone else. All that matters is I make it through the day, the week, the month, the year, this life. Then will it’s all over, for good or bad; it’ll be over.
Or so I thought. I thought it would be the end…But it wasn’t. how can it be when I didn’t even know how it got to this part. And I don’t know if its my fault or someone elses. I wish it wasn’t my fault. But I have this gut feeling that it is.  
Oh, it’s your fault, all right. I mean, how could you be so insensitive? Didn’t you see it coming? I mean, like, a mile away? For real?
            Well, I don’t’ know that I saw it a mile away. Maybe a few yards, a kilometer- not that I know exactlty how long a kilometer is. Everytime I hear that word, I think about how I’m American and that kilometers aren’t an American-specific thing
That’s because America loves to act like their some special little snow flake time to time. Ayo nah chill with the politics yall don’t want it. Put me on offense YOU WILL NOT. There was a time when everyone had a say in what they wanted to do in the country they want to live In. But that’s not how it is today. It’s basically a war. A war that’s not a war. It is super interesting how people can be so divided with so many diefferent ideas and willing to go to war over this. This is stupid we should just declare war on turkey for stealing all of our turkey. I was if Iraq took Dwayne Johnson from us, since he’s the rock after all. I guess if this were all to come to fruition then the decision would between a rock and a hard place, get it ?
Want to hear another joke? So there was a  

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