Thursday, November 29, 2018



By Avery Lemonnier


  I was taught to believe in you from young. The Father Son and Holy Spirit we prayed to you for guidance for peace and most of all prosperity. You guided me in life in many ways I never understood. When I longed for you I couldn’t have you, when I would dream of you, I couldn’t see you and when I prayed to you I couldn’t hear you. I started to grow and you started to fade I would revisit a scripture or two prayed a minute or more. Thought I was being fulfilled but then I met the world and realize that my prayer wasn’t strong enough to fight the blows.

   So my tears warmed my skinned while I witness the pain of the world that you proclaimed. I watch the abuse to babies and I saw the poverty swarm the old. Where is God I would cry!! The hurt of the world is far greater than my sorrows and my prayer is far smaller to the ears of Christ. The Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the creator of all life and still we die every day.

   You created the world in seven days but it takes one second to end my day. You walked on water to save the sick and heal the blind. You fed thousands on one loaf of bread but I prayed to you for help to stretch my check to last me two more days.  The misconception of who you are battles my mind as I try to find greater purpose in me. Are you the God of Love?  While hate brews in hearts of man, Are you the God Of peace? While War breaks out in homes and on foreign land. Are you the God of truth when we live in deceit, Are you really YHWH-YIREH the God who will provide. Provide my soul with something anything Just to know you’re near.

    Believe in me and witness the signs and wonders, behold a KING is born and he shall be called JESUES. The king of kings and lords of lords, the beginning and thee end this child born from a virgin and father who wasn’t truly his. A child who grew to rule and condemned the land to bear fruit of what is right and to punish what is wrong. Live by the commandments so one day you’ll see the pearly gates or forsake all and be punished to hell and have your soul rot, Our souls rot every day on earth so what makes 2000 years different from now?

1 comment:

  1. This piece was really interesting for me to read. It just brought me to think about how many of us grow up with faith and have to one day come to actually think deeply about what we have learned and when it is questioned there aren't many answers... I think a lot of people feel this way but only a few are brave enough to speak up about it.


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