Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Writing Process Methods

What are the methods that help you start typing up a draft for a written work?

Recently, I started writing in a small Moleskine notebook that I've been keeping on my person at all times. When I get an idea, I jot it down, build further on it if need be, then type it up if I think it's adequate to do so. It helps with recording observations I make as I go about my day, which is material I use for some of the works I share in class. Maybe I remember something that's interesting that I'm afraid I'll forget again? Who knows? It certainly helped me write the next draft I'm bringing to next class along with aiding ideas about drafts in progress.


  1. Hi Matt:
    It's a great idea to have a dedicated book for your writing. A prof of mine called them a "commonplace book." I have close to twenty of them. They contain everything from my dreams to observations I have to ideas to my responses to reading.

    1. It definitely helps. I can't possibly retain all my ideas in my head. Maybe some of my major ideas linger for longer, but I may lose where I was going with it. It definitely is helping with my output already, with planned extensions to my short story to a few poems.


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