Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Smalltown Lift

When I read the poem, I thought there was three people. When they mentioned "He" i knew that this was "his" dialog. Then the poem mentioned "They" meaning more than one or two. Obviously there is two people but the way the poem "Spoke" was like there are three people. The italics, for me, meant that someone is speaking or thought in italics. The last person was who ever "he" had his arms around. I felt that it was an awkward get together between three people. The cliche situation is one guy and two girls. They are all friends but both of the girls like the same guy. Only thing is, is that the guy only like one of the girls. The lonely girl has to travel and go where they are going because she is a good friend.  Shes awkward and does not want to be there.

The structure of the writing seems like a short story but it states that it is a poem. I believe that it can be both. Its just the format that is not like a typical poem. Poems tells stories and it can create a story. I felt that the author did just that. She made a poem, put it in third person, and explained a story.

1 comment:

  1. i feel like no matter in what format you portray your writing it while always be perceived differently by everyone. ii can relate to this because i went through the same experience the writer went through so i guess i just appreciate writing for what it is regardless of the genre but yes a very interesting piece.


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