Sunday, December 16, 2018

My Earthquake (Poem)

I was sitting in the middle of nowhere 
Everything started to caved in on me  
In a few seconds  
I was trapped between  
The bad, the ugly, the pain  
The suffering.  
So chaotic I'll say.  
But if you look at it from another direction  
You'll describe it worse than chaotic. 

Being trapped is one thing 
But being in a place 
Where you're constantly suffocating  
Now that's something else.  

Your mind and heart are racing 
To get air and think of a way out 
But how do you get out without any tools.  
Not like you can move your hand around  
And break free from that sink hole.  

Who's there to help anyway? 
No one I believe.  
No one knows that you're barely breathing  
Beneath that debris.  
Scream and wait  
No one can ever hear you  
Because there you were trapped    
And all alone  
Your mind can't seem to accept that 
It's scary being down there. 

It's almost as if you never existed 
No one is trying to find you  
But you're still out there lost  
In the middle of nowhere  

Fire rescue might not make it in time 
To save you.  
You're running out of time 
But yet you somehow have the capacity  
To go just like that 
Not even trying to fight. 
Why you my readers would ask? 

Death is something you can't fight against.  
I been waiting for this moment 
Sadly not the way I thought I would die 
Being trapped in this debris  
Only reminds me I was trapped 
My entire life.  

You think this suffocation is new to me? 
It's not. I was suffocating all along.  
I was trapped and not being able  
To spread my wings as I liked.  
This isn’t new to me.  

Why did I give up without a fight? 
Because this world is too cruel  
For people like me  
To be able to live in happily.  
It's more chaotic than where I'm at.  

You too will experience this yourself 
And whenever you see me again 
I know you'll say  
I was right.  
I too been suffocating    
Without realizing I was.  

Trapped and alone  
Slowly I went away with time 
Freeing myself from this world 
And I got the satisfaction  
That I seek for.  

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