Monday, December 3, 2018

Exquisite Corpse

So here I am standing in the rain, my bomber jacket is the only thing protecting me. Oh fuck yeah the bus just splashed an entire puddle on my pants. I love it. Now I gotta get on campus quickly to change as I always keep an extra pair of pants in my duffle bag. I love looking down at my discolored, wet pants looking like an absolute buffoon. Love it.
All these people passing by can one person feel sorry for me and give me an umbrella? Ugh fuck it I guess. This rain is just so heavy an umbrella won’t work. The umbrellas are all over the floor. The wind is heavy to and people are “flying”.  The storm is very wild. People are telling each other being at home in bed is better. I am happy I didn’t go to work today who need the hustle riding on the train in such a stormy da? At least I can relax and do everything I wanted to do. Watch Pornhub, watch fake news, worship my Dear Leader Donald Trump, and probably go hunt down humans. Speaking of such, I should hunt down my brother, the leader of the mafia-yakuza alliance. Meh, later. I need to what deals I missed on the Ps plus, I hope they got Tokyo Ghoul out. Been waiting to use tortured Kaneki Ken. I wonder if itll look good on the Ps 4. As I play to my heart’s content I realize this is getting to realistic. The graphic on this game are so damn advanced. Like Jesus! It’s like a real person or is this person REALLLLLLY real. Still day dreaming about how I was able to get this far. I have no damn idea what to do or say next. I froze trying to figure out what the hell was going here. It was nothing I expected.
I should have known this would not have been the what I was expecting. They always say be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Sad that I had to find out the hard way, I once wished for tub of slime and now I can’t get it off my floor.
That’s what happened when you have children. You get superhuman senses, you can hear the slightest giggle, feel someone messing with the thermostat,

The little devils in angle clothing. They only act like this when they are around me. WHY. Why do they tourcher my soul. What is the benefits of them doing that. All I want in life is wonderful [kjmoiho. I mean, mojo. I’ve got mojo. Mojo’s got me. I dance like a fiend, out on the floor moving to the music, one hand point up, the other pointed down or thrust on my hip. And then after putting my hands on my hips, I do the pelvic thrust which really drives me insane. The time warp is kinda costumey in a sense though, like it’s such a draaaaaaaaaaaaag. That what Shikamaru would say the true leader of the leaf village. EXCEPT HE SHOULD NOT??????? And I think pain was too good and he should’ve been the main villain for the arc.

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