Saturday, December 1, 2018

exquisite corpse

So here I am, standing in the rain. Watching as each drop falls in the cracks of the sidewalk creating little ripples in the small collection of these other raindrops. I hat days like this it’s so muggy and the day just makes me feel blah. How lucky am I to be standing in the fucking rain while my umbrella sits at home closed hanging off of my coat rack. There are so many people here with umbrellas did everyone know it was going to rain or did I have to be that one dumbass to forget to check the weather. At least the lights look prettier when it rains. Ughhhhhh where is this bus?  Everyone is just rushing to get home while I have to stand here and wait…… can anyone feel sorry for me and give me their umbrella? It looks like it’s getting lighter yay... Whelp that was a lie as a lightning bolt strikes the sky BOOM. Man if I don’t get on the bus in the next few minutes I’m going to take this rain on! The man finds an umbrella and opens it up. He starts walking his way to his house. I hope he knows where he is, this is a tough neighborhood, you don’t want to find yourself here in the middle of the night. You hear stepping a big shadow getting closer it doesn’t seem to faze him. On the other hand, I’m sitting here nearly shitting my pants. I shouldn’t have done that all-you-can-eat tacos buffet. Damn it, I don’t want to die as a person who looked constipated. But I could only imagine the blow my pride would receive for not indulging to the fullest, so I returned to the buffet to do what I do best, TO EAT! I eat all the sesame chicken, the pork fried rice, the ribs, broccoli, and garlic sauce, Low main and best of all that greasy ass fried chicken. I can’t wait!! Who cares that I I went up 3 dress sizes. All I could think of was myself and how to satisfy my cravings. I couldn’t stop eating. I kept wanting more and more. I could lose it all back in some way.
I will continue to eat until my heart is content. Who knew food would bring me this much joy. Who cares about the Victoria Secret models, I am big and beautiful. That should be embraced by many, let’s think honestly ASHLEY GRAHAM IS A THICK QUEEN. The entire internet praises her.
She helped me loved myself and my thickness. A girl with curves can accomplish anything and everything. Thick thighs save lives if that ain’t the gospel truth. PREACH!
But enough about that, I have to gotta kill a mam
A man named Bob. Bob owes me some money. Hopefully, he's there where I left him. Unlike before when he ran away with his wife and kids. He got them all in the car and drove down the street, zigzagging like crazy, hubcaps popping off and spinning into the gutter, babies crying, cops chasing, bullets buzzing around in circles with one another like they’re about to engage in ballet. Ballet actually began the first time this ever happened- yes, I’m saying that the source of ballet is bullets becoming entranced with one another.
How much do bullets even cost and why by those when you can buy me a Nintendo Switch, or an Xbox. Never. PS4 is the superior console but I really want a switch. CAN THIS SHARK STOP try TO SELL ME HATS? Hmm, that fedora sounds like it would be really nice to wear but hmm maybe I can use a hat that would protect me from the rain?

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