Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Finishing up w/ New Sudden Fiction

This week, I would like you to write about the story that you thought was the best one in the collection (if you don't have a best, then just one that you liked a lot). First, b/c these stories, like poems, are exact, I'd like us to be exact. Quote the sentence passage that you think is at the heart of the story (or it can just be a sentence that you like a lot). What is the significance of this passage in the context of the entire story? What kind of work does it do? Some other questions:

  • Why does this story need to be short? What would lengthening it do to the story, good or bad? 
  • What emotion does it leave you with if any?
  • How does it use "negative space"? (i.e. What is suggested? What happens outside the frame of the story?)
  • What questions does it leave you with? Are these good questions or bad questions?


  1. Story: Before the Train and After
    This story needs to be short because if it's lengthened, it would take out the context of what the story is really about. The story left me with a shocked emotion. I was shocked about how things turned at the end of the story. I wasn't expecting the girl to avoid someone who had a missing piece of body. My questions are: why is this story written?, why was the girl scared by someone who lost his hand?, What is the reason behind this story?

  2. I'm not sure whether I can call this the best on in the collection or something that I liked a lot. However, I think it's accurate to say that this was stuck with me even after we finished reading it. The story of interest is called "Before the Train and After" by Katherin Nolte.

    There's a specific quote within page 166 where a character named Jeremy told a the narrator that "It's just a hand. It'll grow back". Not only did I find myself liking it, but I believe that it is also the heart of the story. That quote sa...

  3. I would say the best or the story i liked the most in this collection would be the Rememberer by Aimee Bender just because it had a lot of humor in it, and even looking back at it now, its hilarious. Especially in the very beginning of the story when the main character goes to a professor and asks for a timeline for our evoultion." I went to the
    old biology teacher at the community college and asked him for an approximate timeline of our evolution."He was irritated at first—he wanted money. I told him I'd be happy to pay and then he cheered up quite a bit." I was left with questions and yes I would say they were good, because it left me wondering what happened to "Ben"...

  4. One short story that stuck out to me was "Consumed," it describes a mans' addiction to eating paper. Even though this story was rather full of humor, it talked about serious situations people go through when facing addictions. "Even in his sorrow, his mouth watered just thinking about it." This sentence explains how even though many lose everything to an addiction, they would still choose that addiction over their loved ones. They can't find any will to stop. I enjoyed this story because reading it the first time i did not fully grasp the seriousness of it, I just thought it was just funny. This story needed to be short or else there would many boring details.....

  5. The Rememberer by Aimee Bender. This story needs to be short because giving more detail would take away the mystery of the foreshadowing displayed in the story. After reading this story I felt sadness and empathy for the main character. My interpretation of the foreshadowing was that her husband suffered from ...


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