Friday, October 5, 2018

Short days

" Some people ditch friends and lovers because it's easier to get new ones than to resolve conflicts with old ones, particularly if resolving a conflict requires one to admit error or practice mercy. I'm describing an asshole. But what if the asshole thinks he's ditching an asshole?"

This particular Aphorism stood out to me the most. Having dealt with loss of friendships and relationships due to conflicts. Its true what the writer stated "it is easier to get a new one than resolve conflicts with old ones." During this time of my life, I am seeing a lot of people not wanting to put effort into other people who are close to them. Everyone has a persona of everything is my way or the highway. I believe some people don't hold value to true relationships and friendships any more. I kind of wish we still lived in the era when having some sort of connection with someone was always worth fighting for. I will always fight for the people who I love and hold value in my everyday life.



  1. This Aphorism also stood out to me. I agree Amanda, many people these days don't put effort in repairing their relationships with people close to them. I too wish more people would value their relationships enough to fight for them. I honestly find it sad that some people don't. I highly value my relationships in my life, since I believe its our relationships and ties to people that make us who we are.

  2. She also write about Facebook. Do you think social media has anything to do w/ these distances you're writing about? Do we think we have "good" relationships b/c we have a certain number of "friends"?


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