Wednesday, October 10, 2018


In this time of age women found their voice, they are not afraid anymore to speak up. In the past things were different Men treated women unequally, harassing them and disgracing them. Women tolerated this behavior kept silent about it, but no more.
#METOO is for every girl or women who been victimized and sexual abused by men. A lot of powerful men went down because of the movement. It's time to make a change. Women set in the back sit for so long it is time to take our rights back.
We have people like Roger Ailes the former and CEO of Fox news and Bill Oreilly ( anchor at Fix news) both have been accused of sexual harassment. Bill Cosby women came out after more than 20 years accusing him of drugging them and sexually abused. Steven Weinstein a big producer well known who use his power to get what he wants from young actresses in Hollywood, and let's not forget about our president who just want to grab women by their p****.
It's 2018 no women should be afraid to speak up. Why it is important to me,because I am a woman, because it can happen to anyone.

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